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Benefits of Office 365 for SMB

Date posted: 29th September 2015

Benefits of Office 365 for SMB

Plus Move your Exchange Online

Microsoft is moving to the cloud. Elimination of Small Business Server and increased support for Exchange Online and Office 365 have left huge opportunities for small and mid-sized business. But many IT leaders still like to stay with the safety of having their own Exchange server on-premises.

First Let’s Examine the Dis-Advantage of Microsoft Exchange On-Premises to Small Businesses

  • Initial on-boarding costs (both money and time)— You will need to purchase multiple servers on which to run the software. You, or a dedicated IT person, will need to learn to run the software. And licensing costs can easily run $10,000 or more.
  • Maintenance—Your costs do not end once you have set up everything. Servers must be maintained. Servers fail. Software fails. This all costs money to fix as well as potential lost productivity due to downtime.
  • Ongoing Training — If additional training is required, either for additional users or to fix problems, you may be charged you for it.

Microsoft Exchange Online – via Office 365

  • Save Money: as little as $6 per month
  • Updates and Maintenance: handled now by Microsoft instantly
  • High Availability: Without IT maintenance
  • Accessibility and Productivity: work from anytime/anywhere
  • Security and Compliance: Access through 128-bit SSL/TSL encryption, ISO compliant
  • Enterprise Single Sign On: Integrates with Okta to provide secure SSO through all your applications